3 easy steps to build your Twitter community and online network

2015-12-27T08:59:31+02:00December 27th, 2015|How To, Social Media|

So you’ve created a Twitter profile for your small business (if you haven’t check out these 5 quick tips to get you started on Twitter), but you’re not sure what comes next? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with these 3 easy steps to build your Twitter network. There’s no point to tweeting if you [...]

New to Twitter? 5 quick tips to get you started

2015-12-05T08:47:12+02:00December 5th, 2015|How To, Social Media|

Twitter is a valuable marketing tool, which allows businesses to build meaningful connections with a relevant audience in real-time. If handled correctly, these connections can lead to a new network of loyal customers. Twitter has over 320 million active users worldwide and over 7.2 million in South Africa 61% of these South African users visit [...]

How to re-size images without Photoshop

2015-06-13T08:37:28+02:00June 13th, 2015|How To, Uncategorized|

There are all kinds of reasons you might need to crop or re-size images and you might not have the software on your computer to allow you to make these kinds of changes. Rest assured, there are plenty of apps readily available on the web to help you. One of the simplest is PicMonkey (plus [...]

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