How to create and use buyer personas to drive marketing and sales

2016-03-18T12:59:00+02:00March 18th, 2016|Online Marketing|

If you’ve ever worked in any sort of marketing or sales capacity, you’ll have heard the term Buyer Persona thrown around like candy at Halloween. The buyer persona (also referred to as a marketing persona) has long since been part of the toolkit for many marketers and sales managers, but what exactly is it? Hubspot [...]

What makes social media an important customer service tool for your business?

2016-03-03T13:27:18+02:00March 3rd, 2016|Social Media|

Social media started out as, well, just that – a chance to be social online. Companies quickly saw the business benefits of social media and so it evolved into the powerful marketing tool it is today, with many companies being omnipresent on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even Pinterest and Tumblr. But it’s no longer just [...]

7 ways to drive traffic to your website

2016-02-06T11:29:07+02:00February 6th, 2016|Online Marketing, Social Media, Websites|

“If you build it, he will come” is a quote from the iconic 1989 American baseball movie, Field of Dreams and has since been used in a wide range of contexts, having evolved most commonly to “If you build it, they will come. It’s even been used when talking about websites, but this saying is [...]

Twitter is the ideal marketing platform for your small business, here’s why

2015-12-16T08:56:38+02:00December 16th, 2015|Social Media|

Twitter has over 320 million active users worldwide and sees over 500 million tweets posted each day. You don’t need to be a marketing expert to realise that’s a very deep pool of potential customers to engage with. If you’re managing a Twitter account for your small business, then you hold the keys to the [...]

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